Deciding who to remember in your will is a deeply personal matter. After providing for loved ones, many people choose to bequest a portion of their estate to one or more charities. This is a relatively simple process.
We suggest you follow these five steps and seek professional legal advice.
Consider the difference you want to make in the world through the legacy you leave behind. What causes are you most passionate about?
Which organisations do you trust to honour your final wishes and achieve the greatest impact with your legacy?
If you are thinking about leaving a gift in your will to Greening Australia, we are grateful to be considered. We encourage you to get in touch – we would love to have a confidential discussion about what you would like your gift to achieve.
If you wish to leave your gift free from conditions, you can be assured that it will be directed into our highest priority nature restoration activities. Or, if you would rather your bequest benefitted a specific location or aspect of our work, we can help you plan accordingly.
You can leave a gift of:
We recommend discussing this with your solicitor, so they can advise you about the options available and help you choose what is right for you.
Have your will written or updated to reflect the bequest you wish to make. You may wish to give your solicitor a copy of this booklet or direct them to our Gifts in Wills webpage:
Example wording for your will:
“I give [(a specific amount or gift) or (a percentage) or (the residue)] of my estate to Greening Australia (ABN 40 002 963 788) to be used for [(the general purposes of Greening Australia) or (a particular purpose)], free from all taxes and duties. Written receipt by the Secretary or another authorised officer of Greening Australia or a successor organisation shall be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge of this bequest.”
Once you have formalised the gift in your will, please let us know about it so we can thank you personally for your commitment to helping people and nature thrive.
You will be invited to special events and kept up to date about our ongoing programs and activities. If you like, we can also share your story, so your generosity and passion for nature can inspire others.