From the mountains to the deserts, the forests to the sea, many, many people are doing fantastic work to protect and restore Australia’s natural diversity: in community groups, agencies and NGOs, on public land and on their own property.
This work is getting more complicated. As the climate changes, our favourite natural areas and the species they contain will also change. We have to work out – not only, “how do we protect our current environment” – but also, “what can we do to help nature adapt to a new climate?”
Background: How a changing climate will reshape nature in Australia>>
Climate change and its impacts on nature are with us now. But by working together and focusing on what we can do, rather than what we can’t, Australians can protect their incredible natural assets for future generations to enjoy.
Banner image: Snow gums in Alpine National Park. Credit Rob Jung.
This content is adapted with permission from text written by Dr Ian Lunt for the VicNature2050 booklet 10 things we can all do to help nature adapt to a new climate.
VicNature2050 was organised by the Victorian National Parks Association, The Royal Society of Victoria and The University of Melbourne’s Bio21 Institute, and supported by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Parks Victoria.
Other organisations who have participated in the VicNature2050 partnership include La Trobe University; Deakin University; Greening Australia; and the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research.