Why is carbon offsetting important? The average carbon footprint for Australians is three times greater than the global average, so we need to dramatically cut our emissions and reduce our climate impact.
At the same time, we also need to capture emissions on a massive scale. Besides needing to deal with decades of legacy emissions, even the most dedicated will find it tough to reach zero emissions while our economy and technology is transitioning.
That’s what carbon offsetting is, at its best: investing to capture legacy and unavoidable emissions through verified, regulated methods.
Investing in carbon offsetting from large-scale biodiverse native plantings, like Greening Australia’s, also practically tackles the other elephant in the room: nature loss. Win win.
If you are an individual or small business looking to informally offset emissions, you can make a tax-deductible donation to Greening Australia to reduce your impact.
Canopy can assist if your business wants to formally offset carbon emissions, either by buying high integrity nature-based credits, or by developing a biodiverse carbon project to generate credits and co-benefits. Canopy specialises in offsets of more than 1,000 carbon credits (tonnes/tCO2-e).
Landholders interested in a carbon project for their property can get in touch with us for a no-obligation chat and free pre-feasibility assessment.
Greening Australia and our for-purpose environmental markets company Canopy work together with landholders and First Nations partners to deliver biodiverse carbon projects that generate high integrity credits.
Our priority is to recreate the structure and composition of the local vegetation communities (so we often plant at a higher species diversity and stem density than required by the regulator).
Through these projects we also aim to support First Nations enterprises, alternative income sources for farming families, improvements to sustainability and land productivity, and greater habitat connectivity for threatened plants and animals across the landscape.
Check out some case studies of carbon projects we’ve worked on together to learn more.
Our experienced staff know navigating environmental restoration and the carbon market can be complex, and are committed to making environmental credits easy for you, explaining as we go.
Farming in ways that retain carbon can generate many benefits both for people and nature. Carbon farming can create healthier land, which means more resilient, productive land as well.
Credits are generated primarily from land restoration projects that re-establish native vegetation in the landscape and in turn remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
There’s increasing interest worldwide in protecting and restoring these blue carbon ecosystems, because of their potential for helping tackle climate change – while also creating substantial benefits for biodiversity and human livelihoods.
Either way, you are supporting Greening Australia – the difference is in how formal or official you need ‘reducing your impact’ to be.
If you are an individual or small business looking to informally offset emissions (less than 1,000 tonnes of carbon emission equivalent per year), we suggest you make a tax-deductible donation to Greening Australia to reduce your impact. Every plant Greening Australia puts in the ground stores carbon in its roots, stem/trunk and branches as it grows – and provides many other important benefits to people and wildlife besides. But not every plant is part of a registered carbon project, so donations to Greening Australia can’t be claimed as an official carbon offset.
If you want to formally offset carbon emissions and reduce the impact of your operations, or would like to develop a carbon project for the same purpose, Canopy can assist. Canopy is a for-purpose company that develops and registers carbon projects and sells high integrity nature-based ACCUs (Australian Carbon Credit Units) and international units verified under carbon standards that are fully compliant with the Australian Climate Active (carbon neutral) standard. They reinvest any profit back into Greening Australia’s biodiverse environmental restoration projects.
To make a ‘carbon neutral’ claim, you or your business will need to 1) evaluate the carbon emissions you or your business produce, 2) find ways to reduce (avoid) these emissions, and 3) purchase verified international or Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) equivalent to the emissions that can’t be avoided.
Donations to Greening Australia’s restoration work unfortunately do not allow you to claim that you /your business is carbon neutral, but you can absolutely claim that your donation is making a positive impact for Australian landscapes. Every native plant Greening Australia grows stores carbon and provides valuable benefits in tackling climate change and habitat loss.